Lowongan PT. Pacific Inter-Link Indonesia Pekanbaru September 2018

SMITHJANKERMAN Lowongan PT. Pacific Inter-Link Indonesia Pekanbaru September 2018 – We are one of manufactures palm oil based products such as vegetable ghee, shortening, margarine and cooking oil, pet bottle including the metal printing, tin cans and jerrycan for packaging. The products are of high quality and food safety meeting the international standard. We are looking for a position as below :


qualification :
-    candidate must possess at least diploma, bahelor’s degree in engineer (chemical), engineering (industrial), chemistri of equivalent
-    at least 5 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position
-    good command in english both oral dan written
-    good leadership, good analytical, active and good personality
-    work placed-in medan, kim 2 mabar
-    compesation and benefits are very competitive

Please submit your cv at least 7 days since job vancancy posting to :

Website : www.pilgroup.com

Only shortlist candidate as required will be processed to interview

Hari/Tanggal Terbit : Senin 3 Septemer 2018
Sumber Informasi        : Koran Riau Pos
Metode Informasi         : Ketik Ulang (Re-Type)

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