The Best Way To Detect Heart Problems In Athletes
athletes like marathon runners and long-distance bike athletes sometimes
experiencing an irregular heartbeat known as arrythmia. Heart conditions such
as these can be fatal and often the cause of sudden death which sometimes occur
in the marathon program
evidence has now been shown that. Research has established that vertikel the
right heart, the work pumping blood to the lungs, are experiencing more stress
during exercise of the vertikel left.
conducted by Professor La Gerche and which have been published in the European
Heart Journal, involving 17 unidentified athletes arrhythmia vertikel right
(eight of which have been implanted heart defibilator), 10 healthy athletes and
seven non-athletes. The researchers found that heart function looks the same on
all three of these groups when resting, but on athletes with heart arrhythmia,
vertical right looks weak during exercise. This discovery is performed using
echocardiography, a noninvasive technique that uses ultrasonic methods.
certainly does not mean that the practice of resilience is not good for the
heart. On the contrary, such a run, cardiovascular exercise has long been a
major thing in maintaining a healthy circulatory system.
for those of you athletes, particularly those who participate in sport
remotely, be aware of any changes that you feel in your heart rate or
physiological reactions against the sensitive exercise that you do. And if you
experience a problem, please contact a doctor. (pin)
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