Honey Baked Chicken

Honey has a sweetness that is almost the same with the sweetness of sugar. Honey contains 82.4 g carbs in 100 g so calorie owned only 304 kcal, compared to sugar that has 400 calories kcal/100 g. based on the glycemic index table was published in The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition (2002), honey has a glycemic index value an average of 55 that are included in the category of low glycemic index. Although it has a low Glycemic value we recommend for people with diabetes must keep the honey consumption is controlled.

With the healthy nutrients, honey and chicken can be one of the healthiest food menu that's easy for you to make. The following recipe to make Honey Baked Chicken.

For 2 servings

-2 pieces chicken thighs Skinless (+ 300 g)
-2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
-3 cm Ginger (finely chopped)
-3 tablespoons honey
-1 tablespoon soy sauce
-1 teaspoon of black pepper
-1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
-¼ teaspoon sesame oil
-¼ teaspoon salt

How to make a
1. mix the flattened garlic, ginger, honey, sweet soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil and salt. Set aside
2. give 2-3 incision on the surface of the chicken meat. Rub chicken with seasoning mixture. Let stand for about 30 minutes
3. Preheat the oven at 180 c
4. put the chicken together with seasonings in a baking dish that has been dialasi oven with aluminum foil. Bungkis with aluminium foil.
5. put in oven and bake for approximately 30-40 minutes
6. Lift. Open the aluminimum foil wrap and serve

Nutritional Value Per Portion
-232.9 kcal Calories
-1.9 g Fat
-Carbohydrates: 18.7 g
-Fiber: 0 g
-Protein: 35.2 g

Tips and suggestions
Chicken thighs you can substitute with chicken breasts without skin, or you can also experiment using another source of protein such as beef, fish, or tempe.

Source: Sportindo Retype The Magz

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