Baked Fish with Mango Ginger Sauce

Mango contains a number of nutrients and compounds bioaktif
that are beneficial to the health of the body. Then how
combine mango as a healthy food menu?
Made with fish, Baked Fish with Mango Ginger Sauce
be healthy dishes with mango sauce that is easily made.
The following recipe makes Baked Fish with Mango Ginger Sauce.

Fish Ingredient:
-250 g fish fillet dori
-½ TSP pepper
-¼ tsp salt
-60 g of mango (or ½ part from one side and cut lengthwise)

Sauce Ingredients:
-200 g flesh of the fruit mango (blender)
-3 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
-2 cm Ginger (finely chopped)
-70 g red bell pepper (diced)
-1/8 tsp salt
-½ TSP pepper powder
-1 tsp white vinegar
-1 tbsp canola oil

How To Make:

1. sprinkle the surface of the fish fillet with pepper and salt. Set aside.

2. cut mangoes. Weigh and for serving to make
sauce and baked together to fish fillets.

3. cut mangoes lengthwise so it can be rolled up
along with fish fillet.

4. put the mango pieces to the surface then fish fillets

5. put the aluminum foil above. Wrap until covered.

6. Bake in the oven at temperatures of 160oC for approximately 20-
25 minutes. Lift and place the serving plate on top.

7. How to make a mango-Ginger Sauce. Heat the canola oil, stir-fry
garlic and Ginger until fragrant, stir in peppers, sauteed
for a short while. Enter mango, pepper, salt and vinegar. Mix well
and cook for a bit while still stirring.

8. Lift the sauce and pour the above an already baked fish fillets.

Source: Sportindo The Magz

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